Sunday, July 13, 2014

Google Earth vs. Google Tour Builder

Google has created two great tools that allow you to take a virtual trip around the world. Let's compare these two applications.

Google Earth
I absolutely love Google Earth! If you have never interacted with Google Earth, you can download it here. Google Earth allows users the opportunity to view virtually anywhere in the world. You can even view buildings in 3D. I also love the ability to view below the ocean to view various shipwrecks, research discoveries, etc.

Check out the "street views" that you can see in Google Earth:

I also found the "historical imagery" feature to be so fascinating. I love the ability to look back over the years to see how areas have changed dramatically.  Check out the video below to learn more about this feature. 

When I began exploring Google Earth, I immediately started wondering how I could use this with my students. The more I researched, the more information and articles I found about Google Earth. As an elementary teacher, it is sometimes hard to adapt technology for elementary students. This website is a forum for teachers on how to use Google Earth. There are many posts that address ways for elementary teachers to use Google Earth. I also enjoyed this website which has excellent tutorials for educators who are just beginning to use Google Earth.  The website has basic tutorials, as well as advanced tutorials.

I plan on using Google Earth to teach my kindergarten students the differences between a globe and a map, which is part of our curriculum. In Google Earth, you can switch between the 3D view and the Google Maps view. This tool will be helpful to show students that you can access maps (and globes) digitally as well as on paper in person.

Google Tour Builder

Google has now created Tour Builder that can give others a virtual "tour" of the places you have been. Google Tour Builder works in tandem with Google Earth. You can download and learn more about Google Tour Builder here. Want to see it in action? Check out this tutorial to see more:

I love the ability to add pictures and videos right in to the tour. When I began using Tour Builder, I thought about how I could use this in my classroom. I began thinking of the historical curriculum I could use Tour Builder with. I decided to make a tour about Abraham Lincoln. Part of the kindergarten curriculum is to introduce students to Abraham Lincoln. Usually I read books to the students about Abraham Lincoln. As you can imagine, books don't always give students a deep understanding of the topic. Therefore, I made the tour about Lincoln. You can view my tour here

Many of my fellow classmates came up with some creative ideas on ways to use Tour Builder. Some of those ideas included tours of Christopher Columbus, Lewis and Clark's expedition, and famous athletes. 

Have you used either of these tools? Which one did you like the best?

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